Use this to get ideas, reference, or simply put your name in and send it to your local police station.
Dear Officer,
I am writing regarding the tragedy concerning George Floyd among others before him. First of all, thank you for your service, and I greatly appreciate those officers who have taken a stand for Floyd. That being said, the system in place has allowed for numerous deaths of people of color at the hands of police officers. This is your system: you have the power to change it. With this in mind, I urge you to go to protests, sign petitions, and call out other police officers for using racially-motivated excessive force. Your voice matters immensely in calling other police to take action and holding the institution accountable. I understand calling out other officers is difficult; after all, they are your coworkers. However, doing this will give your voice more credibility in your community, especially if you let your community know you are calling for change.
We are in this together, and if systemic racism within the police department is to go away, it starts with you; after all, it’s your system.
Insert Name Here