How to: Write The Police
Not all letters need to be the same. For example, if your department is taking action, thank them. If they are being silent, inspire them to be proactive and take responsibility for change. If they are corrupt and inherently racist, go to your city council and be loud yourself.
Below are some tips to inspire action in those who are keeping silent.
Keep it short and simple.
Start positively, and end with a statement of unity
Make your point. Some examples below:
That if justice for all people is going to be realized, police officers have to take action and be the solution. If not, we will take down the system.
That real change will happen only when individual police officers show they will stand-up for the rights for people of color and when they will speak out against the officers who perpetuate hatred.
That their voice matters and is influential in holding other officers and the institution accountable.
That funding community programs like housing and social services will make their job easier, not harder.
End by highlighting we are in this together and we support all the officers who fight for justice and equity for all people.
The goal here is not to be antagonistic, but to show them how much influence they have to be the change. Antagonism only polarizes; collaboration unites. For a template letter, go to our Sample Letter/Email page.
If you would like to share your letter, email us an image or use the hashtag #WriteThePolice